The entire family will love one of these Christmas gifts Personalized PHOTO Calendars with great paper and amazing printing. INSTRUCTIONS to Make Your Own Calendar Online with Your Photos, makes the perfect Christmas gift that they will cherish every day. Personalized Photo Calendars for 2020, some of the coolest Christmas gift idea for the entire family. All Calendars are updated to the 2021 yearly calendar. Detailed INSTRUCTIONS below to Make Your Own Calendar Online with Your Photos. BULK Discounts start with only 2 Calendars. Buy One or get the calendars in BULK. The calendar has the Best Printing along with the Best Heavy Semi Gloss Paper make the Best Photo Calendar Website. Make Your Own Custom Calendar 2021 with your own 2020 custom photo calendar. ALL Personalization Gifts by Little Linda Pinda Designs CLICK HERE *
2021 Best Photo Calendar Website CLICK HERE

Great Personalized Christmas Gifts for those who have Everything
BLANK 2021 Calendar or Add Your Pictures
or Make Your Own Calendar Online 2021 Photo Calendars
with Some Text Box Templates for Your Text
Add Lots of Photos to One Calendar, this just might be what you are looking for. Some of the months have 1 large photos, others have 2, 3 or more photos for a month. As long as you use an image that is Horizontal or Vertical as shown. If you need help knowing how to resize your pictures or add more text, read instructions in the Design Description area once you are on Zazzle Calendars page or Click HERE for INSTRUCTIONS for lots more options on How to Make Your Own Calendar Online:
CLICK HERE for More Detailed Instructions on How to Make Your Own Calendar Online
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Best Photo Calendars are at Zazzle
Great Christmas gift ideas for the entire family, they will love and enjoy the calendar all year with their very own Personalized Photo Calendar 2021 each and every month through out the year. Make your own 2021 Custom Photo Calendar with your special pictures, makes a great memory for each and every month. Personalized Gift Ideas for the entire family with their Personalized Photo, makes the perfect Christmas gift. This is one of the pages of our Zazzle custom photo calendar my daughter gave us last Christmas. Personalized Photo Gift Ideas for family and friends.
Personalized 2021 Monthly Calendar with Holidays. The paper and printing are so great, you will want to frame the pictures at the end of the year or save it as special memories. This personalized photo calendar is on the wall by my desk. I love looking at it nearly every day. This is one of the best personalized gift ideas for the entire family.
A year of memories are wonderful and a very meaningful gifts for people who have everything.
Great prices on 2021 Custom Photo Calendar with Amazing Quality Printing and Heavy Semi-Gloss Paper for incredible pictures for the best personalized Christmas gifts for parents, grandparents and family. Custom Made Calendars Bulk. These Photo Christmas Gift Ideas will bring smiles all year long. Make Your Own Calendar or Call Rod or Linda for Help to Make Your Own Calendar 2021: I can help you customize your 2020 calendar. CALL 239-949-9090
Make Your Own Calendar Online
BULK Discounts
If you are looking for amazing paper quality for the most incredible detailed and vibrant printing, then Zazzle Blank Annual Calendar 2021 is the Best Quality Photo Calendar, “Second to None”. Zazzle’s robotic printers are state of the art machines creating fabulous images. You can buy 2021 Blank Calendar or Add Your Pictures Calendar. Make your own calendars in bulk. Your BULK discounts start with only Two (2) Annual Calendars and discounts increase with quantity. Great idea for a Christmas gift for a 2021 monthly blank calendar. Christmas Gift Ideas for the entire family or for your entire company. REMEMBER to CALL Rod or Pro Designer Linda for HELP: 239-949-9090 or we can make your annual calendars 2021 for you. INSTRUCTIONS to Make Your Own Calendar Online with Your Photos.
How to Make Your Own Calendar Online
How to Make a Calendar with Pictures
For Detailed Instructions CLICK HERE:
DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS on How to Make Your Own Calendars with Photos CLICK HERE
Simpliest Instructions to Make Your Own Calendar 2021
CLICK one of the 2021 Annual Calendars above. Once you are on the Zazzle Calendar Page:
- On your right, Click on the tiny blue word “Change” located to your right within the “Personalize it” area under each of the months, front and back covers too. Months are not in order.
- From My Computer, Click on the “Select 1 image for upload” Button. (white with blue font). Choose YOUR PHOTO, from your computer, and allow the image to upload by itself. DON’T click OK button unless it doesn’t upload. Zazzle might go back to clicking the ok later).
- Other options include Instagram and Google Drive images that you saved.
Math Cultures and Concepts 42 minute YouTube Video
Comprehensive YouTube Video on the History of the Calendar and much more by Christopher Vaughen
Not only does this faculty member go over the History of Calendars but also converting minutes, seconds and the decimal units. He goes over measurement of time and how to calculate the week days.
Free Printable Blank Monthly Calendar for You to Print from Home
Make Your Own Calendar Online Free Templates
If you are looking for Free printable blank monthly calendar CLICK HERE and Blank calendar pages to print, I like this site. Templates are set up nicely. They off blank calendars to print 2021 for many different needs including the 12 month annual calendar 2021. I hope you like the template I chose to feature for you.
There is a wide variety of styles such as the full 2021 Annual Calendar, Each Month separately, 2021 Mini Calendar, Large Date Calendar, One Page Calendars, Two Page and More. Easy to make your own calendar. You just click the Link under the Calendar you choose and Download it in PDF Version or Microsoft.
Clear easy to read calendars and they are free. Not everyone wants or needs a custom photo calendar so I found these convenient Free Printable Blank Monthly Calendars. But if you want a Custom Photo Calendar, then Zazzle is the Best Photo Calendar Website around. We’ve enjoyed ours all year long. It is like a piece of art on the wall. We enjoy our calendar and the smiles and memories for an entire year from our family.
When was the first calendar invented?
Image by:
Information By
The First Original Calendar is believed to have been invented in Pre Julian Days in Rome as the Lunar Calendar which was the 29 Day “Hollow Months” and 30 Day “Long or Full Months”.
King Romulus was the first king of Rome in 753 BCE. He is thought to be the calendar inventor consisting of 30 and 31 Day Months. His first calendar month was March or also known as Martius.
His annual calendar was Ten months total. Six months had the 30 days and Four months had the 31 days which was a total of 304 days because they didn’t assign the winter months. That left 61 days unaccounted for.
King Romulus Annual Calendar
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First Month: Martius 31 Days
Second Month: Aprilis 30 Days
Third Month: Maius 31 Days
Fourth Month: Iunius 30 Days
Fifth Month: Quintilis 31 Days
Sixth Month: Sextilis 30 Days
Seventh Month: September 30 Days
Eighth Month: October 31 Days
Ninth Month: November 30 Days
Ten Month: December 30 Days
Make Your Own Calendar Online or Call Us and We Will Make it For You
Contact Us to HELP you Make Your Own Calendar Online at No Extra Cost, No Set Up Fees, No Minimum Orders and Great BULK Custom Calendar Printing starting with the purchase of only 2 wall calendars or you can purchase one calendar because there is no set up fees or minimum orders.
In 1582 Pope Gregory Xlll first introduced his own Gregorian calendar while Europe was using the Julian calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. The Julian calendar miscalculated the solar year by 11 minutes which meant the seasons were out of sync.
The Gregorian Calendar was implemented September 14, 1752 to more effectively align British overseas land possessions and also align with the western part of Europe. They actually had to loose 10 days to get the calendar on track.
The original reason for implementing the Gregorian Calendar was to change the date of Easter which was traditionally celebrated on March 21.
As a real estate agent, I would give calendars to my customers to remind them about me. By having a special calendar made for them, it kept my name, photo, business logo in front of them and it would remind them about me. Maybe they would be reminded to tell other people about me too. My real estate business was almost all referral business. Just a side note, when you go above and beyond for your customers, they will remember you and tell others about you.
Having your business information on a calendar or something else that stays out, will keep your contact information handy for your clients and customers. I am happy to help you create a business calendar or other promotional products to help your business grow.
CLICK this following link to go to my wife’s Zazzle Store
with thousands of cool personalized gifts including many personalized sports gifts.

We can help you Make Your Own Calendar Online or do it all for you. Feel free to CALL 239-949-9090 and ask for Linda or Rod. You can email your photos to us and we will create the 2019 Custom Photo Calendar at no extra cost. You will view it before you buy it or not. No obligation. We are happy to help. If you wish, we can do a bit of cropping and adjusting your pictures to look their best. The larger higher resolution work best but we’ve created great looking calendars from iPhone photos, as the introduction Calendar is.
I am amazed at the great prices for these calendars. I can help you make your own calendar 2019 at no extra set up fees or charges.
Rod and Linda Feucht
[email protected]
CALL or TEXT is BEST to make sure we receive your important message. Write CONTACT in the email Subject Line
Due to the high volume of emails we receive, we prefer that you call. You will be thrilled with these quality 2020 annual calendars. If you are not satisfied, Zazzle stands by with their 100% LOVE IT Guarantee for 30 day money back. It almost seems too good to be true but Zazzle only get less than 1% of their products ever Returned.
My conclusion is that they not only offer quality products, “Second to None” robotic printing but their Quality Control is very impressive. They look things over and if they noticed something wrong, they will bring it to your attention so you can fix it. This is amazing to me because of the vast size of Zazzle. We have customers from all over the world. Let’s Make Your Own Calendar Online with the Best Photo Calendar Website, Zazzle.
Thank you for reading our article and if you need help customizing your 2020 custom photo calendar, please give Rod or Linda a Call: 239-949-9090